DWSSC Centre Registration Process

DOMESTIC WORKERS SECTOR SKILL COUNCIL is a not for profit company, registered under the Companies Act, 2013 and obtained a license under section 8 of the said Act

The purpose of this SSC is to define key sectors wherein Domestic Workers can find employment and to identify critical roles and ssociated skill gaps. The SSC aims to achieve the following objectives:-

• To establish a national institutional network for skill development of domestic workers in India.
• To facilitate linkages among various stakeholders in the sector for improved service delivery for the clients and improved reward package for the workers.
• To develop a Labor Market Information System (LMIS) that contains information on the profile of domestic workers in India, the market demand and the list of organizations working in the sector.
• To define job roles and set occupation standards, career progression maps and functional maps for all job roles in the domestic workers’ sector.
• To create skill aspiration and skill appreciation in the sector through well-defined career progression tracks and awareness campaigns for employers and workers.
• To standardize processes of accreditation, assessment and certification of domestic workers through the national network of placement agencies.
• To build institutional capacities and promote institutions servicing the sector to deliver skills training and recognition services for domestic workers.
• To contribute to the creation of a favorable environment for domestic workers.



Long Term Impact {end 2026}

➢ No. of Trades for which Training of Trainers to be conducted – 20
➢ No. of Training Organizations to be accredited – 525
➢ No. of Trainers to be trained – 1050
➢ No. of Persons to be certified – 25,56,600

About Sector

Domestic workers or Domestic Help in India constitute one of the largest segments, nearly 20 million of the workforce, majority being women whose services mostly go unrecognized. These millions of domestic help can be found in the Indian families from lower middle class households in the villages to the most affluent ones in the metropolitan cities. Most of these domestic worker’s function as ‘lifelines’ to the households, render multiple types of services, as full time and part time, live-in and live-out, and they are described as ‘domestic servants’. The practices associated with this occupation are undignified and completely unacceptable, partly for the reason that domestic workers have not yet acquired the status of a profession or a trade.
A domestic worker may perform variety of services for an individual or a family, providing care to children, elderly, ailing, disabled, besides household maintenance, cooking, laundry, shopping etc. while functioning as skilled and unskilled worker. In India’s unorganized sectors which constitute nearly 93% of the economy, the domestic workers constitute one of the largest segments vaguely estimated between 4.75 to 25 million, albeit among the poorest, disorganized and often exploited.


QPs & Curriculums

DWSSC in association with the Stackholders has developed certain frameworks for various types of job roles in the sector. These roles have been mapped for Households/Institutions/Academy  across the country and are aligned to the National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF). The following Qualification Packs are the core standards for the job roles, which have been created on the basis of Industry requirements and feedback. However, each households in the country might have certain additional selection criteria for a job role, which candidate would have to comply with for employment.

Please note that these roles are mapped for households across the industry. Hence, these are the core standards for that job role, and each employer might have more than these parameters for that specific role holder.
List of QP-NOS

Qualification Packs

  • General Housekeeper                          
  • Housekeeper cum Cook              
  • Child Caretaker                             
  • Elderly Caretaker (Non-Clinical)          


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